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(Sent from dr. Samra)

Part 1 Gynecology and Obstetric

July 2007

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Questions recalled by Dr Samra

Also Visit;  >>>   102 more questions of Gynecology and Obstetrics July 2007
Also Visit;  >>>   40 Questions recalled by Dr. Rabeeka Khan
1. Eversion of cervix during pregnancy occur in response to:
a) Estrogen
b) Physiological change
c) Ca Cervix
d) Gonadotropins
e) Cervicitis

2. If Carcinoma involves nipple of breast which lymph nodes r likely
to involve first?
a) Pectoral
b) Apical
c) Central
d) inernal mammary

3. A Pt. came in OPD With enlarged Ant.Axillary lymph nodes and diagonosed a case of Ca Breast , which region is most likely involved?
a) Upper Outer Quadrant
b) Lower Inner Quadrant

4. More or less same question as # 3. reapeated again

5. A pt came to you with primary amenorrhoea,webbed neck,short stature diagnosed as Turner syndrome, wht is her karyotype?
a) 45XO
b) 46XY
c) 47XXY

6. A normal looking Girl came to you with primary amenorrhea,on examination she was having short blind vagina wid normal vulva, scanty pubic n axillary hairs,normal breasts,absent uterus,her karyotype is?
a) 46XY
b) 47XY
c) 47XXY

7. Wht is the best way to detect exact gestational age of fetus?
a) CRL at 8 wk.
b) Femur length at 28th wk.
c) Biparietal diameter at 18th wk.
d) Abdominal circumference at.....

8.Sperms life span in female genital tract is ?
a) 24 to 48 hrs
b) 24 to 72 hrs

9. Spermatogenesis is controlled by?
a) Testosterone
b) FSH+ Testosterone
c) LH
d) Estrogen

10. Almost same as above

11. In drug receptor relations which one is incorrect?
a) Bradycardia --- Propranolol
b) Miosis --- Pilocarpine
c) Skeletal Muscle Paralysis --- Tubocurarine
d) Bronchodilation --- Salbutamol

12. Which one of them do not pass through Lesser Sciatic Foramen?
a)Tendon of obturator internus.
b)Pudendal Nerve
c)Internal Pudendal Vessels
d)sup. & inf. gluteal vessels

13. In a motorbike accident neck of fibula fractured and lead to a loss of dorsiflexion n eversion of foot,which nerve is likely to b damaged?
a)Common Peroneal
b)Deep peroneal
c)Superficial Peroneal

14. Wht is most likely to b true about pudendal nerve?
a) Enter the ischiorectal fossa thru its lateral wall
b) Leave the pelvis thru upper part of greater schiatic notch
c) Re enter the pelvis thru lesser schiatic notch

15. If perineal body is cut which muscle likely to b damaged?
a) Bulbospongiosus + superficial Transverse Perieal
b) Deep + Superficial Transverse Perineal

16.Ureter is found at :
a) the bifurcation of common iliac artery
b) pelvic brim

17. If ovaries are removed frm ovarian fossa, wht is most likely to b damaged?
a) Internal iliac
b) uterine artery
c)Ovarian artery
d) External iliac artery

18. To reach the uterus, uterine artery crosses the:
b)Fallopian Tube
c)Ligament of ovary

19. If Ca.Cervix metastasize to Labia majora which one of these is most likely responsible for spread?
a) Round lig. Of uterus
b) pubocervical ligament
c) pectineal ligament

20)which structure do not participate in forming the walls of inguinal canal?
a) Transversalis fascia
b) Internal Oblique
c) External Oblique
d) Conjoint tendon
e) Lacunar ligament

21) If after 1 hr of ceaserian section pt start b bleeding internally which one is most likely damaged?
a) Uterine artery
b) Internal iliac a.
c) Ovarian artery
d) uterine vein

22) If on lying down pt became dyspnoec wht is the cause?
a) Retrosternal goiter
b) Multinodular goiter

23) If a women at 10th week pregnancy hav Hb 12;Hct 25 Normocytic Normochromic film but at 32 wk pregnancy her Hb is 10.9 ; Hct 20 with same peripheral film wht is the cause?
a) Physiological change
b) Iron deficiency
c) Folate Deficiency
d) Vit B12 deficiency

24) Ovaries are attached to broad ligament by?
a) Mesoovarium
b) Mesosalpinx
c) suspensory ligament

25) In females Neck of bladder ends :
a) above the urogenital diaphragm
b) below the urogenital diaphragm

26) Most common cause of hosp. acquired infection is?
a) Indwelling catheters
b) I/V lines

27) Which method is used 2 kill spores of surgical instruments?
a)dry heat at 160c for 1 hr
b)dry heat at 160 c for 4 hr
c)moist heat at 160c for1hr
d)Gension violet for 4 hrs

28) Which one is not used as insecticidal?
a) Derivatives of salicylic acid
b) Phenol
c) Sodium hypochlorite
d) Soap

29) Most common cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis is:
a) sterpt viridans
b) sterpt epidermidis
c) staph aureus

30) Food poisoning cause by staph. Is mainly due to:
a) exotoxin
b) endotoxin
c) enterotoxin

31) Now a days the best way to diagnose viral infection is:
b) by detecting virus from secretion or wound
c) immunofloresence

32) If pt hav persistent pyuria all can be the cause except:
a) polycystic kidney disease
b) long standing alkaline urine at room temperature
c) Post Streptoccocus glomerulonephritis

33) wht is the least positive value for widal to diagnose typhoid?
a) 1:80
b) 1:120

34) Two days before ovulation LH surge rises to
a) 1 to 5 fold
b) 4 to 6 fold
c) 6 to 10 fold

35) villous surrounded by cyto n syncitiotrophoblast is:
a) Primary villous
b) secondary villous
c) tertiary villous

36)Following is not a proven cause of hirsuitism?
a) Androgen
b) PCOs
c) steven leventhal sundrome

37) CO2 is transported frm blood to alveoli by :
a) Facilitated diffusion
b) Active transport
c) Diffusion

38) Active transport differs frm Passive due to:
a) depend on osmosis
b) require carriers but no energy
c) requires energy but no carriers
d) require energy by phosphate anhydride bond

39) Mean Arterial pressure is
a) difference b/w systolic and diastolic pressure
b) Diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure

40) Columnar epithelium is found in:
a) uterine tubes
b) Thymus
c) ovaries

41) Obese are at risk of all except:
a) Hyepertension
b) Diabetes
c) Thyrotoxicosis
d) IHD

42) Following will lead to Respiratory Acidosis?
a) emphysema?
b) heavy intake of NaHCO3
c) Vomiting

43) Hormone which causes an increase carbohydrate protein and lipid stores is?
a) GH
b) insulin
c) cortisol
d) Aldosterone
e) thyroxine

44) same question

45) insulin secretion is inhibited by:
a) glucagon
b) secretin

46) Acellular layer surrounding an ovum is :
a) Zona pellucida
b)Granulosa layer
c) Theca interna
d) Corona radiate

47) Primordial germ cells arises frm:
a) Yolk sac

48) Highest energy containing compound is:
a) Starch
b) Glucose
c)Hexose phosphate
d) ATP

49) Which contain high triglyceride?
a) Chylomicron remnants
b) LDL
d) HDL
e) IDL

50) Which is not a phospholipid?
a) Lecithin
b) ISolecithin
c) Cephalin
d) Plasmalogen

51)Low PO2 Stimulate respiratory centre thru:
a) Directly acting on medulla
b) stimulating peripheral chemoreceptor
c) acting on central chemoreceptor

52) If Rh -ve mother deliver an O +ve fetus wht is the best way to protect subsequent pregnancies?
a) Immunoglobulin

53) wht is the landmark for biscop scoring:
a) Ishial Spine
b) Ishial Tuberosity

54) In a women of craniopharyngioma wht is the best opetion to induce ovulation?
a) Clomiphen citrate
b) Menopausal Gonadotropins

55) If you give L Dopa to the pt of Parkinsonism which hormone will decrease?
a) Prolactin
c) Testosterone

56) Which hormone convert to its active form at target tissue with the help of 5 α reductase?
a) Testosterone
b) Estrogen

57) Pt came to you with eosinopenia,polycythemia,lymphocytopenia and raised ACTH level,wht is most likely?
a) Cushing disease
b) Cushing Syndrome
c) Addisons disease

58)Wht change will not seen in a women having inc. cortsiol level?
a) Hypotension
b) Moon face
c) Buffalo Torso
d) Thin skin
e) Hirsuitism

59) Main support of uterus is:
a) Cardinal ligament

60) Rational for storage of platelet at room temp. is :
a) Optimize the platelet function
b) platelet number do not dec.

61) Women brought to you in ER in shock who had a 10 pint transfusion 10 yrs back due to PPH is most likely having:
a) Sheehan syndrome

62) Therapeutic index indicate:
a) Bioavailability
b) Efficacy

63) If after 15 days of c-section due to Obstructed Labour pt. developed Urinary incontinence,wht is the most likely cause?
a) Vesicovaginal Fistula
b) Vesicouterine Fistula

64) Which one is the supporting ligament of uterus tht is palpable on Per-rectal examination?
a) Uterosacral ligament

65) If 35 yr old women developed Generalized Lymhadenopathy wht is the most likely cause:
a) Hodgkin Lymphoma
b) Nonhodgkin lymphoma
c) Malignant disease
d) CML
e) ALL

66) If women accidently exposed to radiation 3 to 4 yrs back which organ is most likely effected?
a) Cervix
b) Fallopian tube
c) Ovaries
d) Vagina

67) Wht is the best method to check bone density?
a) CT scan spine
b) MRI spine
c) Calcium Level
d) D scan of spine

68) Which drug do not cause gynaecomasia?
a) Digoxin
b) Griseofulvin
c) Cimetidine
d) Androgen
e) Estrogen

69) Pt developed Morning stiffness,Photosensitivity,rash which test will be positive?
a) RA
b) ANA
b) antimitochondrial

70) Wht is the end product of glucose breakdown ?
a) Galactose
b) Lactose
c) Fructose
d) Pyruvate

71) In a pre eclamptic pt which drug is used to lower BP before surgery?
a) Hydralazine
b) Amlodipine

72) Amniotic fluid embolism is related to:
a) DIC

73) Which hormone is necessary for brain development of fetus?
a) GH
b) Thyroid
c) Cortisol

74) If α feto protein is high wht is most likely?
a) Anencephaly
b) Spina bifida Occulta
c) Down syndrome

75) T3 , T4 raised in pregnancy due to:
a) Inc TBG
b) Inc TSH
c) Inc TRH

76) Which one is not a tumor marker?
a) HCG
b) CEA
c) α fetoprotein
d) Placental Acid phosphatase(PLAP)
e) Alkaline Phosphatase

77) Hysterosalpingography is more accurate than MRI in:
a) Adenomyosis
b) blocked tubes

78) TORCH can lead to all EXCEPT:
a) Pnuemonia
b) Cataract
c) Deafness
d) Cardiac anomalies
e) Blindness

79) DNA is:
a) Double stranded in which two strands are antiparallel to each other
b) all other wrong

80) Which antithyroid drug is given during Pregnancy?
a) Propylthiouracil

81) Tx of raised sugar in pregnancy is :
a) Insulin
b) Sulfonylurea

82) Menopause is diagnosed by:
a)Raised FSH,Raised LH,dec Estrogen
b)dec FSH n LH

83) Tuboovarian abcess caused by IUCDs…wht is the most likely causative agent?
a) Actinomycosis
b) Streptococcus

84) Which component is low in Cow`s milk as compared to mother`s milk?
a) Lactose
b) Fat
c) Calcium
d) Protein

85) Excess of Aldosterone will cause:
a) Hypokalemia
b) Hyperkalemia

86) Which method is most useful in identifying chromosomal abnormalities?
a) Karyotyping
b) U/S
c) Bar bodies

87) DIC is related to all EXCEPT:
a) Cancer
b) Amniotic fluid embolism
c) Sepsis
d) RPOCs
e) answer

88) In C-section insicion is given in subcutaneous fat suprapubically will likely to damage?
a) Superior mesenteric artery
b) Deep Circumflex iliac artery
c) Superior epigastric artery
d) inferior epigastric artery
e) Perforating arteries

89) Insulin increase absorbtion of glucose in?
a) Hepatocytes
b) Mucosa of small intestine
c) Renal tubular cells

90) Glucose is absorbed in renal tubules through:
a) Secondary Active transport
b) Facilitated diffusion
c) Diffusion

91) A pregnant women is on Phenytoin,wht is the least likely complication in fetus?
a) Bone deformity
b) Mental retardation
c) Cleft palate

92) Anticoagulants are indicated in all EXCEPT:
a) Thrombocytopenia
b) Cerebral infarction
c) Prolong bed rest
d) DVT

93) A mother brought her 8 yr old daughter in OPD with complain of vaginal bleeding,she was taller acc. To her age with well developed breasts.she was otherwise normal,wht is the cause:
a) Ovarian tumor
b) Hyperpituitrism
c) Hypothalamic disorder

94) Main function of Extracellular fluid is:
a) Transport electrolyte
b) Remove waste products
c) Provide nutrition

95) Which investigation is least likely done in a suspected case of DIC?
a) Clotting time
b) FDP
c) D-Dimer
d) Platelet count
e) PT

96) Which drug is not used in Dysmenorrhea?
a) Ibuprofen
b) Mefenamic acid
c) Aspirin
d) COX inhibitor
See also;  >>>   102 more questions of Gynecology and Obstetrics July 2007
See also;  >>>   40 Questions recalled by Dr. Rabeeka Khan

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