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Past papers Radiology
October 2007
Note: Some questions are incomplete are missing. So please be patient as we will update when we find complete questionnaire. If you have complete questions please share with us. Thank you.Questions:
1-The muscle involved in unlocking of knee joint is:
Poplitus,Rectus femoris,Plantaris.Soleus
2-Adult derivative of notochord is:
Nucleus pulposis,Annulus fibrosis,Vertebre,Vertebral canal
3-Vertebrae is derived from:
4-Memory centre is located in:
Insula,Parietal lobe,Temporal lobe,Frontal lobe
5-The most commom type of salivary gland tumor is:
Salivary glands,Parotids,Submandibular,Sublingual
6-Distruction of Ant.pituatary gland causes dec.functioning of
Glom.fasiculata,Glom.granulosa,Medulla,Adrenal cortex
7-Least chances of renal stones is associated with:
Hyperlipidemia,HyperPTH,Hyper vit.D,Infections,Hyperurecimia
8-Nerve supply to extensors of arm is supplied by:
Lat.cord,Medial cord,Post cord,Lateral and medial cord
9-Nerve injured in Ant.disloacation of Shoulder joint is:
10-Damage to scaphoid bone causes injury to:
Radial A.Ulnar A.Brachial A,Ant.interosseous A.
11-Common site of fracture at rib is:
Angle,Shaft,Costochondral joint,tubercle
12-Following is not a tumor marker:
PLAP,CEA,bHCG,AFP,Acid Phospatase
13-Most common histology found in lung tumors is:
Squamous,AdenoCA,Mixed,Small CA
14-Patients comes with Rt.deviation of tongue,Dec.sense of touch and vibartions,the artery
commonly involved in brain is:
PICA,AICA,Ant.Spinal,Post.Cerbral,Sup.Cerbral A.
15-Soldier comes with heavy bleeding,the ideal fluid replacement would be:
Packed RBCs,Crystallines,Colloids,Whole blood for 3 days,Whole blood for 18 days
16-Maxillary sinus opens into:
Sup.meatus,Inferior meatus,Middle meatus,Nasal septum
17-Patient having increased levels of IgE,most probably suffering from:
Bacterial inf,Viral inf,Parasitic inf,Fungal inf.
18-Autospy done on the patient having CRF,most prabable finding would be:
Hypertrophied PTH gland,Hypertrophied adrenals,Hypertrophied pituatry,Hypertrophied thyroids
19-Excitation of post.pituatary would cause:
Sweeting,Stress,Shivering,Hunger pangs
20-Foetal period starts after which week:
21-Patient having dec levels of factorII,VII,IX,X,most likely have:
Dec.antithrombin III,Dec Vit.K
22-Young pt.having Hb:6.0,TLC:3.5/ul,Plts:1lac is suffering from:
Iron def.,Folate def.,Vit B12 def.,Aplastic anaemia
23-Nucleus ambigus supplies to:
24-Olfactory area is present in:
Ant.perforating material,Occipital lobe,Inf.temporal gyrus,Parietal lobe
25-Patient with injury to left 8th cervical segment of spinal cord will not show following sign:
Dec sense of position,vibration below lesion on same side,Extensor plantar on left side,Dec
power of muscles below the leson on same side,Dec sense of pain and temprature below the
lesion on same side.
26-Feature of Rickets and Osteomalacia is:
Inc.Vit D,Inc.Ca,Inc PTH,Dec.bone density
27-Most common site of malignancy in pts suffering from nuclear outbreak
28-Virus acts on cells by:
Damaging cell membrane,Damaging nuclear membrane,Invloving protien synthesis
29-Most sensitive cells to hypoxia are:
30-Myelin in CNS is formed by:
Microglia,Schawan cells,Oligodendrocytes,Astrocytes
31-Feature not associated with irreversible cell injury is:
Mylein figures,Karyolysis,Karyorrehxis,Mitochondrial shrinkage
32-Ureter isnot constricted at:
Pelvic brim,at PUJ,Psoas muscle,Openning at bladder
33-Common relation of ureter is: gonadal vessels and iliac A., gonadal vessels and iliac A.
34-Patient feels pain after she underwent surgery for fibroids,structure injured would be:
Ureters,Ovaries,Fallopian tubes
35-Least common site for ectopic pregnancy would be at:
Ovaries,Pouch of douglus,Greater omentum,Fallopian tubes,Cervix
36-Gall bladder is supplied by:
Cystic A and Left gastrcA.,Cystic A and Left Hepatic,Only Cystic A.
37-Venous drainage of urinary bladder is into:
Internal Iliac V.,External Iliac V.,Commom Iliac V.,Internal and external V.
38-Hypothyroid patient in on thyroxine,best marker to monitor his thyroid status is:
T3,T4,TSH,T3 and T4,T3,T4 and TSH levels
39-Patient having hyperplastic bone marrow,anaemia,Inc Platelets is probably suffering from:
Aplastic anaemia,Megaloblastic,Myelofibrosis,Leaukemia
40-Stimulus for Eryrthropoiten secreation is:
41-Erytropoiten is always raised in:
Polycythemia vera,Primary polycythemia,Sec.polycythemia
42-Following vein would be dilated in portal HTN:
Inf.epigastric,Gonadal,Renal vein,Left colic V.
43-Patient after gastrectomy is on VitB12,the cells lost in the gastrectomy are:
Mucous,parietal,cheif,Goblet cells.
44-Fat tags attached to the walls of large intestine are known as:
Taenia coli,Hausstral folds,Appendeces epiplocea
45-Bile salts are reabsorbed from the:
46-Following is an autosomal disease is:
Cystic fibrosis,Hereditary spherocytosis,Thalasemia,Sickle cell anaemia
47-Type of defect in Heredetary spherocytosis is:
Enzymatic defect,Structural defect
48-Patient with jaundice,anaemia,high reticulocyte count is having:
Folate def.,Iron def.,VitB12 def.,Hemolytic anaemia
49-Ejaculatory duct opens into:
Ureter,Ureteric crest,Bladder,Prostatic urethera
50-Terminal part of CBD in relation to pancrease is:
Embeded into pancrease,lie posteriorly,lie anteriorly
51-Following would ause massive infarction and destruction leading to patient death:
Thrombus,Embolus,Fatty thrombus,Thromboembolism
52-22yrs female pt.with 13th week of pregnancy after having crush fractures in RSA dies after 3
days,most likely cause of death is:
Amniotic fluid embolism,Air embolism,Fat embolism
53-Patient with old history of adenoCA of colonis operated for polypectomy,on histologic evaluation
pathologist labelled it as benign growth with no chances into malignant transformation,it would be:
FAP,Villous adenoma,Tubular adenoma,Tubulovillous,Metaplastic polyp
54-Tyrosine derivateve doesnt include:
TSH,Adrenaline,Nor adrnaline,Prolactin,Dopamine
55-Precursor of steriod hormone is:
56-Capsule of liver in known as:
57-Most common site of thyroglossal cyst is:
58-Wasting of thenar eminence,loss of sensation over thumb and index finger,nerve involved is:
59-The base of urinary bladder is made by:
Post surface,Ant surface,Inferolateral,Superior surface
60-Shock without having vasodilation is likely associated with:
Burns,Gram positive inf,Gram negative inf.,Superantigen infection
61-Following doesnt form the layer of inguinal canal:
External oblique,internal oblique,transversus,rectus abdominus.
62-Femoral sheath is formed by:
Fascia transversalis,Fasica trans.and Fasica iliaca,External oblique,Internal oblique
63-Patient with bone pains having normal Ca,inc Alk.phosp.most likely suffering from:
Pagets,HyperPTH,Hyper VitD,Bone mets,Osteomalacia
64-External spermatic fasica is formed by:
External oblique,Internal oblique,Cremastric muscle,Transversus muslce
65-In Turner syndrome,the genotype would be:
66-Organ having least chances of infarction:
67-Type of necrosis in brain infarction:
68-Pt.with cervical lymphadenopaty,+ve AFB sputum,sign to look for TB on microscopy is:
Chronic inflammation.caseous necrosis,lymphocyctic infiltartion
69-Thyroid gland moves with swallowing because it is enclosed in:
Pretracheal fasica,Investing fasica,Vertebral fascia,Carotid fascia
70-Neurovascular bundle in chest wall lies between:
External and Internal intercostal mucles,Internaland Innermost layers,Innermost and enothoracic
fasica,Beneath Endothoracic fascia
71-Fibrous pericardium and medicatinal pleura is supplied by:
Vagus N.,Intercostal N.,Phrenic N.,Autonomic N.
72-Man is suffering from testicular ca,the lympahtic drainage of testicle is into:
Para aortic L.nodes,Pre aortic,Superficial inguinal,Internal iliac,External iliac L.nodes
73-In exercise,the venous blood returns to the heart by:
Muscle pump in calves
74-Circulation in heart is maintained by:
Symphthatic sys,Parasymphthetic sys,Local mechanism
75-Fisherman is presented with gingival bleeding and ecchymosis,he is suffering from:
Folate def.,Iron def.,Vit B12 def.,Vit C def.
76-Facor affecting collagen synthesis during healing is:
Infections,Vit C,Foriegn body
77-Mesothelioma is associated with:
Vinyl chloride,Silica,Asbestos,Copper dust,Carbon
78-Child having meckels diverticulum is having bleeding per rectum,it is due to:
Volvulus,Interssusption,Ectopic gastric tissue
79-During lactation,Amenorrhea is due to:
Inhibition of LH and FSH thru Prolactin,Dec.prolactin,Dec oestrogen
80-Presence of pancratic tissue in gastric mucosa is termed as:
81-Main difference between primary and secondary intention wound healing is:
Granulation tissue,Wound contraction,Inflammatory cells
82-Child with sore throat after 3 weeks developed oedema,haemturia,cause would be:
Minimal change streptococcal GN,IgA nephropathy,Focal segmental GS.
83-Microscopic feature of polyarterites nodusa is:
Granuloma,Fibrinoid necrosis
84-Angiotension II exerts its effects by activating:
Renin,Angiotension I,Aldosterone,ANF
85-Tumor compressing optic chiasma would cause:
Binasal haemianopia,Bilateral haemianopia,Bitemporal haemianopia,Complete blindness
86-Growth hormone is maximally rasies in:
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