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FCPS 1 past papers Gynecology and Obstetrics June 2008, mcqs recalls

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Gynaecology and Obstetrics

June 2008

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Gynaecology and Obstetrics mcqs, free download old paper fcps


1..half life of dopamine is 5 min , how much time will it take to reach the steady state concentration.
a….16 sec
b….8 sec
c….10 sec

2..wt is the circulation time b/w brachial n cerebral circulation.
a….15 sec
b….30 sec
c….60 sec

3..wt is the most potent stimuli for aldosterone release.

4..which statement regarding adrenals is wrong.
a….size at birth is equal to adult size

5..actions of glucagons are all except

6..actions of growth hormone r all except

7..which of the following are features of type 2 hypersensitivity reaction
b….Ig M
c….T cells
d….B cells

8..wt is the requirement for complete sterilization
a….heating at 151 degree C for …. Min liberated on complete metabolism of protein is
a….4.1 k cal
b….5.3 k cal
c….9.1 k cal liberated on fat metabolism is
a….9.1 kcal

11..thyroid isthmus is at level of
a….2nd 3rd tracheal ring
b….3rd 4th tracheal ring
c….5th 6th tracheal ring

12..blood supply of spinal cord is
a….vertebral arteries
b….spinal arteries
c….internal juglar arteries

13 end arteries are present in
c….lymph node

14..derivative of endoderm is

15..laryngeotracheal bud appears during
a….4th week
b…5th week
c….7th week

16..muscle cut on episiotomy is
a….superficial transverse perineal + bulbospongiosus

17..patient feels pain on defecation nerve involved is
a….pudendal nerve
b….inferior rectal nerve

18..almost 10 to 15 questions on NSAIDs and prostaglandins of the following regarding levator ani is true

20..epthelial lining of ureter is

21..muscular layer of ureter in lower third is

23..derivatives of pharyngeal arches (2 to 3 questions)

24..wt makes right border of heart
a….rt atrium
b….rt ventricle
c….rt atrium + rt ventricle

25..chemoatractant for neutrophil is,

26..factors affected by vitamin K deficiency

27..lymphatic drainage of cervix is
a….int n ext iliac nodes
b….int iliac nodes
c….ext iliac nodes

28..point of meeting of intrinsic n extrinsic pathway

29..oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (2 questions)

30..simple sqamous epithelium is present in all except

31..protein content of CSF is

32..which has highest protein content

33..autosomal dominant n recessive disorders (2 questions like name was give n was asked wt is wt)

34..origin of ext oblique muscle is from….

35..boundaries of inguinal triangle, the site for direct inguinal hernia, are…

36..structure palpable through lateral vaginal wall is

37..cortisol causes decrease in

38 difference b/w benign n malignant tumors is( 2 almost similar questions)


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