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FCPS 1 past papers Surgery mcqs recalls part 1

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June 2008

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Surgery fcps 1 past papers download


1- Occulocardiac reflex mediated by

2- 1 gram of protein contains calories?
a) 4 calories

3-7th lobe of lung is called
a) medial basal

4-A marathion runner wins a race.What will be with blood insulin and Glucogan levels at the time when he crosses the win line?

5- Mandibular fracture occurs just brfore the mandibular foramen.
a) loss of taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
b)Myelohoid muscle is unable to stabalizse mandible?
c) Loss of sensation to lower teets?
6-Head of femer
a) has anger of 125 with shaft
b)posteriorly completely covered by capsule?
c)epicondyls are in parallel line with shaft
7-Lymph nodules are present in
c)Lymph nobes
8-In DIC ,there is
a)decreased palatlets
9-what is inferior in perenium?
a) pereniul membrane
10)spleen is
a) mesodermal
11)according to recent recommendations, recurrent MI should be treated with?
a) Anticoagulants
b) Lipid lowering drugs
c) Beta blockers
12)Stratified squamous epithelium is present in
a )palatine tonsils
13) Low voltage QRS comples ios seen in
a) MI
b) Bundel branch block
14)Isthmus of thyroid is present at
a)C1- 2
15)Head of Humerous is supplied by
a) Anterior circumflex artery
b)Posterior circumflex artery
c)Suprescapular artery
d)Subscapular artery
16) Gene are composed of
a) RNA

17) I/V dopamine is given to a patiend.followin if true about it onset of action
a) 5 min
b)5 sec
c) 60 sec

18)I/V sedation is given to a patient. Following is true about its arm-brain circulation
a)60 sec
d)5 sec
19) DVT is most common in
a)Femoral vein
b)popleteal vein
c)Superficial vericosed veins of leg

20) Which of the following is not a tumor marker
a)Acid phosphatase

21) Pus contains
a)Dead bacteria
b)Dead neutrophils
22) The most common cause of fatty liver in our society is
a) Alcohol
b)Hepatitis B and C
c Drugs

23) Carotid bodies respond to
a) increase blood H+
b)Increase blood co2

24) In anterior Duodenal perforation , the contents will go to
a) Right iliac fossa
b)Left Iliac fossa
c)Anterior subhepatic space
d)posterior subhepatic space
e) small bursae
25) Metabolic alkalosis results from
a)Ingestion of ammonium chloride
b)ingestion of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

26)A Diabetic patient fas urine ketones and urine glucose ++
the cause is ?
b)Insulin difficiency

27 Response to chemotherapy is because it causes

28)Dorsal column damage results in Ataxia because
a)loss of pathway from dorsal column to thalamus
b)Loss of proprioception input to cerebellum
c)Loss of proprioception to Thalamus
d) Loss of proprioception to Hypothalamus

29)Which of following nerve passes dorsal to brain stem?
a) 3, b) 4, c)5, d) 12, e) 9
30-A patient has hb 6, palatelet 450,000, with Hypercellular bone marrow/\
a)Due to drug he is using for anaemia
b) Leukemia
c) Iron deficiency anaemia
d)G6PD deficiency

31) The sign of cerebellar disease is
b)Static tremor

31)Neurohypophysis drain secretions
a) Adrenergic neurons
b)cholinergic neurons
c)free nerve endings
a)has osmolarity <1040
b) pressure <10 mm of water
c) protein >200
33) Stimulation of Alpha adrenergic neurons

34)End arteries are present at
35) In Tempomandibular Joint Dislocation,What structure prevents the the joint to go back in cavity?
a) Tubercles on articular surface of mandible
b)Tempomandibular ligament
c)Lateral Ptyregoid muscle
d)Medial Ptyregoid muscle

36)Where the gangliom joining the superior petrosal nerve and inferior petrosal nerve is located?

37) A patient has hypercarboxyhemoglobin. He is breathing 100% oxygen. After how much time ,his blood will have 100% oxygen?
a) 1 min
b)2 min
c)5 sec
d) 5 min
38) FRC is?
a) TV + ERV
39)Aldosterone stimulate
a) Melatonin?

40)A patient has fever 40c with flank pain ,increases frequency and chills and riggors.\
a) Blood culture
b)urine culture
c) Blood and urine culture
40)Following is not true?
a) HCV positive carriers have not been reported
41) Pulse pressure is increased in

42) A grand father was playing with his grandson with holding his wrist and rotation him in a circule.Suddenly the child starded crying and sit with holding his forarm in porn position. What happent ?
a) Proximal Radio ulnar joint dislocation
b)Distal Radio ulnar joint dislocation
c)Fracture of acromion

43) Regarding typhoid fever
a) Asypmtomatic
b)Carriers do not excreate causative agent in fees
c) Asypmtomtic carriers should be isolated and treated

44) Incision is given on Rt Lumbar area. The layers incised will be
a) Skin-superficial facia-deep facia- external oblique-internal oblique-transverse –Transverse fascia-exta peritoneal fat- peritoneum
b) skin- superficial fascia- extaperitoneal fat- peritinium

45) Carpus callosum
a) connects the two hemispheres

46)Most constricted part of male urethra is
a) External meatus
47)Superior Thyroid glands
a) Are located behind the Thyroid gland outside the facia
b)Have blood supply from the superior thyroid arteries

48) Which of the following is true
a) Piriformis attach to inferion trochanter
b) Schiatic nerve passes through superior sciatic foramen

49) A structure lined by cuboidal epithelium, and its center contains two calcified bodien of pink colour. What is it?

a) Prostate

50)25 cholecalciferol is not converted to 1,25 cholecalciferol in

a)Hepatic failure
b)Renal Failure
51) Which of the following is not present in posterior relations of kidney?
a) colic flexure

52) Rt border of heart is formed by
a)Rt atrium

53) In pregnancy ,Lactation does not occur because
a) Increased Level of progesterone and Estrogen
54) Which of the following have Pulmonary cycle?
a) Ascariasis

55)Causative agent of meningitis in 60 years old man is
a) St pneumonia
56) Cause of death in pneumonia bue to shock is
a)Gram –ve bacteria
c)st pneumonia
57) Diphtheria exotoxin hane powerful effect on
a) Larynx
c)Nerve endings
58) Aspiration of peanut will go in
a) Right lower bronchus
59) A female with butterfly ace,joint pain, Flank pain could have
a) SLE
60) A young patient has difficulty in swallowing
a) Sclerodermia
61) A patient with SLE have
a) Possitive ANA
b) Possitive anti SS

62) Incision on Supra pubic area caused heavy bleed. It could be
a) Damage to inferior epigestric artery?
63) In Hypoxia, cell swelling occurs due to
a) Entry of water in cell fromj surrounding
b) Entry of lipids

64)What is potent Antoxident ( Anti Aging)
65) A boy is excreting meconium from rectum and has severe constipation. The rectal examination showed no ganglion cells. The condition is called

A) Intussusceptions
B) Hirschsprung’s disease

66) In what portion of nephrone, Na is absorbed totally neutrally active transport?
a) PCT

76) Cell mediated immunity is mediated by
a) T cells
b)B cells

77) Virus does not cause
a) Lipoma
b) Kaposi sarcoma
c)cervical cancer
78) Iodine is stored in thyroid follicles as
a) Thyroglobulin
b)DIT and MIT
79) A patient died due to colonic cancer.On autopsy found thousands of polyps. Patient's father also had colonic cancer. The cause could be
a)Adenomatous polyps?
80) A patient has double ureters and double pelvis. It could be
a) anomaly is due to premature separation of ureteric bud
81) Chylomicrons contains
a) Fatty acids with vitamins
82) Transudate has
a) Low Albumin

83) common mediator of Basophils and mast cells have
84)In Skeletal muscle , contraction occurs due to
a) Sacromere
b) Actin
88) In chronic inflammation, there is predominate
a) Fibroblasts
89)Characterics of malignant cancer is
90 )Characteristic of malignant cancer is
a) pleomorphism
91) Pretraceal fascia
a) completely encircle the Thyroid gland
b)Completely encircles trachea
92) 6 months after the resection of terminal ilium, the patient
a) iron deficiency anemia
93) A patient has sweating 2L , and he took 2 L plan water. What could be happen?
a) Increased body volume?
b) decreased intracellular osmolarity
c)Increased extracellular osmolrity

94) Inhibition of heart Rate will be in
a) Stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system
95) Aldosterone is stimulated by
a) Increase of serum K
96) Follic Acid difficiency causes
a)Megaloblastic erythropoises
b) Foliate deficiency
97) Difference B/w Plasma and interstitial fluid is
a) Protien
98) C02 is mainly carried by
a) Hco3
99) In Inguinal hernia, posterior wall is formed by a) Conjoint tendon
b)Internal oblique muscles

100) What is part basal ganglia are
a) Putamen
( 32 mistakes )

Paper 2

101) Blood supply of vertebral column is
a)Vertibral artery
102)Suprascapular nerve arises from
a) Thyrocerv ical trunk
103) Ist pharyngeal pouch forms
a) Auditory tubes
104)Diapharm is supplied by
a) c 345
105)Urachus is remnant of
a) Allantois
106)A patient had surgery of breast and he is now unable to lift his arm.
What is damaged?
a) serratus anterior muscle

107)Thurst is stimulated by
a) ADH

108) A patient has dirrhoea and developed metabolic acidosis. What is lost in feeces?
a) HCO3
109)phasic fast adaptive structure is
a) Mickle disk
b)Carotid baroreceptors
c)Rufini's carpuscles
110)The lesser omentum forms which structures?
a) Hepatoduodenal ligament, Falciparum Ligament, Gastroduodenal ligament
111) A patient can not abduct and adduct his fingers. Lost adduction of thumb also.
a) Deep branch of ulnar nerve
112)Femoral canal is formed by what fascias?
a) Fascia Lata + memberenous Layer
113) Organ , lined by stratified squamous epithelium, rounded structure.?
Palatine tonsils
114)Regarding the Iron requirement of a pregnant woman, following test is appropriate.
b)serum ferritin

115)After gastrectomy, a patient might develop
a) Megaloblastic anaemia
116) A patient got injury in the posterior triangle of neck.there might damage
a) spinal part of accessory nerve
b) CNS part of accessory nerve
c) Vagus nerve
117)A patient in RTA came in EAC with hypovomumic shock. First what to treat?
a) I/V Fluids
118) Clostridia cause
a) Gas Gangren
119)Angiotensin 1 is converted to Angiotensin 2 in
a) Lung capillary endothelium
120) First week diagnosis of Typhoid is
a) Blood culture
121)A soldier posted at high altitude for many years came witg PVC > 40
a) Secondary polycythemis
122) Buerger's disease is strongly associated with
123)Acute appendicitis is associated with
a) Neutrophelic leukocytosis
124) Medial arcuate Ligament encloses at its upper end
a)Psoas muscle
125) QRS comples is due to
a)Ventricular systole
126) The transitional epithelium have
a) Couoidial epithelium lined by more larger and rounded cells?
127) A patient have right optic tract damage. He might developed
a)Left homonymus hemianopsia
128)In Burkit Lymphome, The causative agent is
a) EBV
129)Regarding adrenal glands
a) Right is Larger than left
b)Supplied by numerous arteries ,and drained by single vein
130) Repture of middle meningeal artery cause hematoma in
a)Between the two layers of dura mater
131)Middle esophageal constriction is by
a)Arch of Aorta
b)Left bronchus
132) T- cells
a) Matured in Thymus after birth
b)Both T cells and B cells are derived by same precursors
133)Neurovascular bundle is located at ribs at
a)inferior border of ribs
134)Which of the following does not predispose the cancer?
a) Radiation
b)Bacterial products
135)Methicilline resistant staph are
a) Usually sensitive to Vancomycin
136) Cardiac muscles can not be tetanized becosed
a)They have long refractory period
137) Severe blood transfusion reactoion occurs if transfused all except
a) A+ blood to 0+
b)A + blood to AB+
c) B+ to O+
d) B+ tp AB+
e)O +ve blood to OA+

138)Xenograft is
a) Transplant of tissues of different species
139) Lysosomes contains
a) Acid Hydrolase
140) Rt Gastro epiploic artery is the branch of
a) splenic artery
141) Right gastroduodenal artery is the branch of
a) Hepatic artery
142 )An asthematic patient may have
FEV1/FCV <75
143)Ligamentum arteriosum connect with
a) Aorta with Left pulmonary artery
144)In atrial fibrillation, therer is
a) Pulsus deficit
145)A patient lost weight , hot dry skin,RR 20, pulse 120/min, DB 120/80
a) Hyperthyroidism
146) Alpha receptors stimulation may cause
a) Lipolysis
d) Glycogenesis
147)Trypsinogen in the duodenum will be activated by
a) PH < 7
148) Pulmonary embolism most commonly involves
a) Left pulmonary artery
149 A patient had streptococcal infection. What blood test you will advise him after one week?
a) Anti streptolysin O titer
150)A patient developed hemolytic anaemia after blood transfusion. Hemoglobin released will be attached with
a) Heptoglobin
b) Albumin

151) A patient with itching, fever with Antimitochondrial antibody +ve
a) Primary billiary cirrhosis
152) PDA occurs in
a) Prematurity
153) Fertilization occurs in
154) Liquificative necrosis occurs in
a) Brain
155) Temperature regulatory center is in
a) Hypothalamus
156) Skin cancer occurs
a) In Sun exposed area
157) Giant cells have
a) Macrophages
158) Inflamatory mediator is
a) C5a
159) Optic tract ends in
a) Lateral geniculate body
160) Gastric motility is increased by
a) Acetylcholine
161)Wound healing is delayed by
a) infection
162)Achalasia is due to
a)loss of Aurbach plexus
163)Patient has severe chest pain with ST elevation
a) Disectening aorta
164)Patient X-Ray shows hilar lymph nodes. Granuloma but no necrosis. What is the diagnosis?

A} Sarcoidosis
B} Silicosis
C} Tuberculosis

165) Strongest layer of small intestine is
d)Submucosa ok?
166). High output cardiac failure
a. B1
b. B2
c. B6

167)Valve less vessel is
A) Aorta
B) Pulmonary artery
C) Coronary Sinus
D) Pulmonary Trunk

168) Within 1 hr of the Acute M.I, which of the following enzyme will be raised?
C) Alkaline Phosphatase
E) Troponin T

169) Replacement of cells of other normal site of body is called
a) Metaplasia

170)Heart sound produced by rapid ventricular filling is
A) 1st heart sound
B) 2nd heart sound
C) 3rd heart sound
D) 4th heart sound

171)Corticosteroids decrease
a) Neutrophils
172) DVT occurs in females
by use of OCPs

173) Visceral Pericardium is supplied by
a) Phrenic Nerve
b) Sympthatic Nerves
c) Vagus neve
d) Cardiac Plexus

174) Basal Cell Carcinoma involves
a) Buccal Mucosa
b) Hard Palate
c) Soft Palate
d) Lower Lip
e) Oral Cavity

175) Primary spermatocyte divide by
c)Primary meiotic devision
d)Sec Meiotic devision
176) The volume of distribution of drug is not influenced by
c)Heart failure
d)Renal Failure
177)In Hypothyroidism
a) Increased cholesterol level
178)craniophrangioma in the center of optic chiasmata may cause

a) Bitemporal hemianopsia

179)Which one of the following most likely causes Increase in GFR?

a)Constriction of afferent arteriole
b)Constriction Of efferent arteriole

180) cardic output measured by thermodilution method
is called
a)fick law?

181. Blood flow regulation is mediated by:
a. arterioles
b. precepillary sphincter
c. capillaries
d. venules

182)Thiamine deficiency causes
A} Peripheral Neuropathy
B} Pellagra
C} Chelosis
D} Dermatitis

183) Which of the following is not a feature of shock
A.decrease cardiac output
B.muslce weakness
C.increased urine output

184) Iron is stored in the form of


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